
Ewan May and Darren Cullen look at the camera in Fat Goose Goes Halves poster

This ‘Fat Goose’ Is Cooked and Ready to Serve in Edinburgh

by Kim Skinner It’s noon on a suffocatingly hot and sticky Saturday in Barcelona. A smallish audience has gathered in the gratifyingly cool basement of The Comedy Clubhouse to see Fat Goose Goes Halves. Suddenly the Ski Sunday theme tune strikes up and Darren Cullen and Ewan May come barrelling into the room, boisterously shaking […]

This ‘Fat Goose’ Is Cooked and Ready to Serve in Edinburgh Read More »

Mariah Girouard points while performing stand-up comedy at the comedy clubhouse in Barcelona

Mariah Girouard Is Not a ‘Good Girl,’ but She Puts on a ‘Good Show’

Anyone who knows Mariah Girouard personally would not call her a “good girl.” But that’s exactly what her show leads to — a series of unfortunate events that eventually bring her to the titular moment of reckoning with how the perception of who she is conflicts with who she wants to be. Mariah looks like

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Jamie Lerner in Annie costume in F*ck Tomorrow poster with quotes and Brighton Fringe award

F*ck Tomorrow — A Letter to Little Jamie Lerner

Award-winning comedian Jamie Lerner brings her first solo show, F*ck Tomorrow, to the Edinburgh Fringe in 2024. Starting with previews in Barcelona, Jamie has developed the show over her eight years of on-and-off comedy into a combination of jokes, songs, and stories that chronicle her life as a boy-crazy child with undiagnosed ADHD and an

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Mariah Girouard's poster for 'Good Girl' at the comedy Clubhouse

A ‘Good Girl’ You’ll Love to Hate by Mariah Girouard

Mariah Girouard is a Barcelona-based comedian from the USA who is taking her debut solo show, Good Girl, to the Edinburgh Fringe for the first time in 2024. She won Barcelona’s Funniest FICer in 2022, was a semi-finalist on Romanian television’s Stand-Up Revolution, and won the Brighton Fringe Award for her split show with Jamie

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Comedian Iain Anderson holds microphone; comedian Michelle Ahern smiles in headshot

“If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?” — Michelle Ahern and Iain Anderson Talk ‘Traumedy’ by Kim Skinner

“Comedy is tragedy plus time.” But hey, have you heard how Barcelona-based comedians, Michelle Ahern and Iain Anderson, turn their personal traumas into hilarious jokes? Michelle’s show, ‘We’ve Had a Good Run,’ shares her divorce story with a playful twist. Meanwhile, Iain’s ‘Traumedy: A Guide to Being a Fabulous Homeless Addict’ will make you laugh with his witty storytelling of addiction, homelessness, and recovery. These comedy shows don’t just entertain, they also heal and promote growth. Because who needs therapy when they can have a good laugh, right?

“If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?” — Michelle Ahern and Iain Anderson Talk ‘Traumedy’ by Kim Skinner Read More »