We are around to promote European Comedy, so we don't feature reviews with less than 3 stars


‘Comedians & Dragons’: “A Bizarre and Hilarious Journey”

A wizard, a puffling frost giant, and a sexy priest walk into a bar. Suddenly, we’re on a bizarre and hilarious journey into the mind of Stuart Kennedy who takes wacky storytelling to the next level...

This ‘Fat Goose’ Is Cooked and Ready to Serve in Edinburgh

by Kim Skinner It’s noon on a suffocatingly hot and sticky Saturday in Barcelona. A smallish audience has gathered in the gratifyingly cool basement of The Comedy Clubhouse to see Fat Goose Goes...

Mariah Girouard Is Not a ‘Good Girl,’ but She Puts on a ‘Good Show’

Anyone who knows Mariah Girouard personally would not call her a “good girl.” But that’s exactly what her show leads to — a series of unfortunate events that eventually bring her to the titular moment...