Iain Anderson on ‘TRAUMEDY: A Guide to Being a Fabulous Homeless Addict’

Iain Anderson performing stand-up comedy at Barcelona's Comedy Clubhouse

TRAUMEDY: A Guide to Being a Fabulous Homeless Addict is a true story about my journey from addiction to the life I am living now. I was not always this shiny, happy, and upbeat person my whole life, and it took a lot of work to get here. During my addiction, I lost friends, my home, my mind, and myself. 

I felt that my story could help people, but I wasn’t sure how to use it. Over the years, I thought about being a counsellor, motivational speaker, or teacher. Or I could tell the story as a theatre show. But when I started doing stand-up comedy last year, I realised I had found how I was going to tell this story in a way that feels very true to myself. 

Even though the show is about a very dark time in my life, it is a funny, relatable, and touching story that will make you think as well as laugh. When I was writing the show, it was important to me that the audience leaves thinking about themselves and their own lives, and not feeling sorry for me. I believe I’ve achieved that, and I’m really proud of what I’ve put together for this show. 

So, why now? Well, last year, I was thinking ahead to July 2024 when I would be turning 40 years old. Having that milestone coming up made me want to do something big and that “something” ended up being this show. 

This show is me reclaiming my story. If it helps one person, then it will all have been for a reason. Come and be part of my TRAUMEDY!

Catch TRAUMEDY: A Guide to Being a Fabulous Homeless Addict at the Comedy Clubhouse on July 20 at 17:15.