‘Comedians & Dragons’: “A Bizarre and Hilarious Journey”

Comedians & (Legally Distinct from but Similar to) Dragons poster with dragon

A wizard, a puffling frost giant, and a sexy priest walk into a bar. Suddenly, we’re on a bizarre and hilarious journey into the mind of Stuart Kennedy who takes wacky storytelling to the next level.

I’m not a big Dungeons and Dragons guy, but I am a big fan of epic fantasy, so I wanted to get a glimpse into the world of D&D. Comedians & (Legally Distinct from but Similar to) Dragons was the perfect introduction for me. Although (I imagine) it’s completely different from playing the actual game, Stuart did an expert job of weaving together a fast-paced fantasy based story that had me engaged from the start. I was extra impressed with this considering the curve balls that the players kept throwing at him.Not only did he manage shocking twists and turns, he also managed to make some incisive social commentary on how disposable interns are in corporate America.

For a show that is 95% improvised, it was sleek in its organization. Gifty, the sound technician, has sound effects for every moment, whether it be the death throes of an intern or the sweet sweet love making of a sexy priest. All of this was perfectly timed to elicit a great comic effect.

My favorite thing about Comedians & Dragons was that you could tell how much the performers enjoyed being there. Each of them had developed a complex character with a rich backstory that they could draw on for humor. Bjornbjorn, the Thunderous Puffling, Theobold the Third and Agustina the Sexy Priest each brought their own spin to the show to make it a truly unique experience.

10/10 would recommend. I’m looking forward to being able to see the show again with a brand new cast of crazy characters.

Comedians & (Similar to but Legally Distinct from) Dragons runs Aug. 2-25 at Laughing Horse @ Kick Ass Cowgate at 20:15. Tickets and info can be found on the Edinburgh Fringe website.