Award-winning comedian Jamie Lerner brings her first solo show, F*ck Tomorrow, to the Edinburgh Fringe in 2024. Starting with previews in Barcelona, Jamie has developed the show over her eight years of on-and-off comedy into a combination of jokes, songs, and stories that chronicle her life as a boy-crazy child with undiagnosed ADHD and an unrivaled curiosity.
I always wanted to stop growing up at 27 years old. I thought 27 would be the perfect age to just stop aging — I even wanted to invent a serum that would protect against aging, kind of like Barcelona’s infamous serial killer, Enriqueta Martí. Unfortunately for me, my 27th year was during the COVID-19 pandemic, so there was no chance I’d die a legendary drug-induced death to join the club. I had to give into the fact that I might as well get older.

Instead of dying dramatically, I aged gracefully (some might say) into an all too self-aware 31-year-old comedian. Others (my parents) might say that I aged … unexpectedly. They thought I’d be a lawyer or a doctor or some other type of productive member of society. Oops! I’ve always had a rebellious streak and in many ways, F*ck Tomorrow is the amalgamation (I know big words) of my rebellions.
If you know me, you’ll appreciate the first two minutes of the show, which start with a home video of me and my brother singing “Tomorrow” from Annie. And if you don’t know me, you’ll find it endearing for about 15 seconds and then you’ll think, ‘When is this part over?’ But this show, my first Fringe solo show, is a big F*CK YOU to baby me who thought she’d one day be the star of Annie. Hate to break it to you, kid, but a solo show with PBH at the Edinburgh Fringe might be the closest you’re going to get. But don’t worry, little me, it’s going to be even better than you could have imagined.
You can see Jamie’s last performance of F*ck Tomorrow in Barcelona at the Comedy Clubhouse at 14:45 on Sat. July 20. At the Edinburgh Fringe, she’ll perform F*ck Tomorrow as part of the PBH Fringe at Southsider everyday (except Aug. 14, 21) at 14:05.
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